Lesson: The Big Sleep

Do you like the picture of the cute little kitty-cat sleeping in the sun? Doesn’t she look just soooo sweet and cuddly? You probably also envy her, right? She is getting all the sleep that you would like to be getting. Well, Americans feel the same as you. They want to get more sleep, but they don’t know how. That’s why creating sleep aids with purported sleep benefits is booming right now. Whether it’s weighted blankets or books, Americans are purchasing items to help themselves get more quality sleep. I hope you sleep like a baby. 

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Example Article

Each conversation topic is based on a theme. In order to help students acquire a basic understanding of that topic, four media articles are provided for them to read. I will never test you on the articles, but I strongly suggest you book lessons far enough in advance to give yourself enough time to properly prepare. The better prepared you are, the more benefit you will receive from our conversations.

Below is an example article for this conversation topic.

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson