Lesson: Invasive Species

I, possibly like you, have been desperately seeking news topics about anything but the coronavirus. Recently I saw the headline, ‘The Arrival of the Murder Hornet’ ‘We didn’t stop coronavirus. But maybe we can stop the ‘giant hornets.’ I said, “Yes, that’s it! Something we can kill!” and so I chose invasive species as our next topic for discussion. A plethora of unwanted species besets us, and it’s our fault. Fire ants, murder hornets, Asian carp, zebra mussels, and giant hogweed that cause severe skin burns – not rashes – BURNS are all examples of unwelcome guests that we have either willingly or unwillingly invited into our backyards. These are the wonderful things we will discuss. I’ve been reading about them for years. Now you can too, but hey, anything is better than coronavirus, right? 

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Example Article

Each conversation topic is based on a theme. In order to help students acquire a basic understanding of that topic, four media articles are provided for them to read. I will never test you on the articles, but I strongly suggest you book lessons far enough in advance to give yourself enough time to properly prepare. The better prepared you are, the more benefit you will receive from our conversations.

Below is an example article for this conversation topic.

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson