Lesson: Have you seen my glasses?
Hi, whoever you are. I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. No, I’m just joking. I wanted to make a point. People forget. Let me assure you that you are not the only one who forgets stuff. Everybody forgets things, and it’s not only related to age. As I was creating this lesson, I received an email from a student asking if I had sent their feedback yet. I thought, of course, I did. I remembered writing the feedback. I remembered sending the feedback. With confidence, I checked to make sure the email had gone through correctly. Nope. I had not completed or sent the feedback. I had forgotten. I’m a pre-crastinator! Why did I forget? For the answer, you’ll have to read the articles. Bye. Sorry, what was your name again?
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Example Article
Each conversation topic is based on a theme. In order to help students acquire a basic understanding of that topic, four media articles are provided for them to read. I will never test you on the articles, but I strongly suggest you book lessons far enough in advance to give yourself enough time to properly prepare. The better prepared you are, the more benefit you will receive from our conversations.
Below is an example article for this conversation topic.