6-hour Workday
The idea of a 40-hour workweek began with Henry Ford in 1914. He believed working too much was bad for productivity. In the US, a 40-hour week did not become law until 1940, and Britain had to wait until 1998 for it to become law there. Now, there is a discussion of creating a 6-hour workday to improve employee morale and productivity further. Isn’t it time humans begin working less because tech has improved our productivity? Let’s find out.
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Example Article
Each conversation topic is based on a theme. In order to help students acquire a basic understanding of that topic, four media articles are provided for them to read. I will never test you on the articles, but I strongly suggest you book lessons far enough in advance to give yourself enough time to properly prepare. The better prepared you are, the more benefit you will receive from our conversations.
Below is an example article for this conversation topic.