
When a boat moves through the water, it leaves a V-shaped wave pattern behind it which is called a wake. Wakeboarders surf a boat's wake.

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Word of the Day: Wake

When a boat moves through the water, it leaves a V-shaped wave pattern behind it, called a wake.

You’ve probably heard of wakeboarding.

Well, wakeboarders surf that V-shaped wave or wake created by a fast-moving speedboat.

Keep in mind that some people are better at wakeboarding than others. Remember that if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Most words in English have more than one meaning, and today’s Word of the Day is no exception, as it can also mean a funeral.

That’s what makes English such an exciting language to learn (notice the positivity).

In some cultures, people gather at the home of an individual who has passed away to celebrate and remember their life, and they refer to that as a wake.

This post is understandable by someone with at least an 8th-grade education (age 13 – 14).  

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 68.  

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