Tall Story

A tall story is one that 's hard to believe. Often when people are arrested by the police, they try to get away by telling a tall story.
But it’s true, officer. I was just bringing this bag of cash to the taxation department.

Word of the Day: Tall Story

A tall story is one that’s hard to believe. In our picture for today, we can see that the police have come to arrest a banker.

We can imagine that the banker is as cunning as a fox. He’s telling the police a tall story about how he pays his taxes, enjoys paying tax actually because it means that he is giving back to society.

We can see that the police officer is not buying his tall story and has already taken out the cuffs so he can bring the banker to jail for tax evasion.

Many times when the police arrest people, they try to get away by telling a tall story.

The problem for them is, the police are smarter than that and can see through any story a possible perpetrator can make up.

The best thing to do is, tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you, God.

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