Second wind

A second wind is a sudden burst of energy you get when you're doing something strenuous. It occurs when your energy is at it’s lowest level.
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Word of the Day: Second wind

Second wind refers to a sudden burst of energy that you get when you are doing something strenuous.

Perhaps you’ve been working hard all day and feel dog-tired. You think that it is impossible to finish the project today.

You stop, do a bit of yoga or meditation to relax, rejuvenate and wait for your energy to return.

Now, you can get back in the zone and continue your work for another few hours until you finish it.

Usually, when your energy level is at its lowest, you get your second wind.

This post is understandable by someone with at least an 8th-grade education (age 13 – 14).  

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 68.  

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