Round file

Word of the Day: Round file

Round file is the slang term for a wastepaper or garbage basket. It can be used as a noun or a verb.

When a vital document arrives at your desk, you should put it in a file, so you will be able to find it easily later.

If an unimportant document arrives on your desk, you round-file it or put it in the wastepaper basket.

Imagine a woman comes home from work and checks the post.

She finds a letter from her husband’s former girlfriend and of course puts it in the wastepaper basket.

Later on, her husband comes home and asks if anything arrived in the mail today.

She says, “A wedding invitation from your old girlfriend came in the mail today so I round-filed it for you.”

DISCLAIMER: Yes, I am aware that we should recycle wastepaper. I’m just introducing new vocabulary. Please don’t shoot the messenger.


