
Rejuvenate means to refresh and to feel energetic again. It's how you feel after a new beginning or starting fresh.
Good morning, world!

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Word of the Day: Rejuvenate

It’s 5:30 on Monday morning,  time to wake up and smell the flowers! 

I was thinking about what word I could introduce today, and I believe that rejuvenate is the best one.

I want to start the week off on the right foot and make a positive beginning.

I feel and hope you feel full of energy after a great, relaxing weekend.

That’s right, rejuvenate means to refresh and to feel energetic again.

So, I hope you had a fantabulous weekend, refreshed yourself, and now you are ready to start work and do a good job.

Happy Monday, everybody!

P.S. Remember that it is easier to rejuvenate yourself than it is your bank account, so pinch your pennies.

Hey, I just got another money idiom.

The inspiration is back!

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 7th-grade education (age 12).  

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 71.  

The easier a passage is to read, the higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100.




Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson