Red tape

Red tape is used to describe official rules and regulations that have to be followed. Red tape ties things up and slows them down.

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WotD: Red tape

Red tape is a term for all the official rules and regulations we must follow.

It also ties things up and slows things down.

Of course, if we are jumping through hoops, we are doing that because of all the red tape, including business, tax, and import rules.

The next time you cannot complete a transaction at a Japanese bank because you have forgotten your stamp, don’t blame the clerk; blame the red tape.

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 7th-grade education (age 12).  

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 77.  

The easier a passage is to read, the higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100.


