Potty mouth


If you have a potty mouth, you should keep your comments to yourself.

Word of the Day: Potty mouth

If someone has a potty mouth, they use a lot of vulgar language or profanity.

The language they use cannot be repeated or printed in a family-friendly publication.

You probably know what I am talking about. I cannot print what they say here because ladies and gentlemen read my blog and they would be offended by four-letter words such as f***, ***t or ****.

See, I can allude to them, but I will not write them here. You have to fill in the blanks for yourself.

Most recently one of the people who worked very briefly, and I mean very briefly, at the White House with The Donald was fired because of his potty mouth.

Feel free to check out the headline in the Washington Post. It is never an acceptable thing for a government official to use foul language, in my opinion, but you can judge for yourself.


