
Momentum is a physical force that keeps you moving in a forward direction. Regarding people, it's the same as desire and determination.
If you have enough desire and determination, you can accomplish anything.

Word of the Day: Momentum

Momentum is a physical force that keeps you moving in a forward direction. Regarding people, it can be similar to desire determination, which comes from within ourselves.

As we can see with my example of Hiroshi, his enthusiasm ran out of steam.

Hiroshi lost his internal momentum or desire and determination to live and study in Boston.

To get a more solid idea of what I mean, think about jumping over a gap.

When you stand still and try to jump over the gap, you cannot jump very far.

However, if you run and then jump, you will be able to get over the gap.

By running, you have built up momentum, or a head of steam and increased the force which will help you to move forward.

Of course, you will gradually lose momentum and move slower and slower as you run out of steam.


