
People and things can marry. We can join two technologies by marrying them together into a single working system, for example.

Word of the Day: Marry

Isn’t English great? Don’t you love how one word can have multiple meanings? Well everybody, marry is one of those words.

You see a new word, study its meaning, learn how to use it then one day you see or hear the word again, but it’s being used in an entirely new context. Argh!

Remember, don’t shoot the messenger, blame the language, not me.

Yes, of course, two people can get married and spend their whole lives loving each other as a couple: two different people are joined as one.

It’s not just for people, though.

When many automakers manufacture cars, for example, they make the chassis (wheels, engine, brakes etc.) in one piece and the body (steering wheel, seats etc.) in one piece, and then they marry or join them together to make a complete car.

The joining process is called a marriage!

Another example is Pokémon Go (yes, I’m using Pokémon Go as a teaching tool all this week).

Pokémon Go marries, joins or links together the game and real-life maps in augmented reality.

There you go, another way to use the verb marry.


