
Incarcerate means to put someone in prison and in most countries, if you commit murder that's what'll happen to you.
You do the crime, you do the time. When you do bad things, you are incarcerated.

Word of the Day: Incarcerate

Incarcerate is a word that you will often hear in American police or court dramas.

You will also hear it on the news, read it in the newspapers and also whenever you hear people talk about putting perpetrators in jail and prisons.

Incarcerate means to put someone in prison and, in most countries, if you commit murder, that’s what will happen to you.

If you would like to see a list of incarceration rates by country on Wikipedia, please click here.

You’ll find that Japan is quite low down on the list.

This is one time when it’s nice not to be first or the highest on a list.


