Doubting Thomas

A doubting Thomas is a person who does not believe something or is skeptical about it. The expression originates from the Christian bible.
O, ye of little faith!

Word of the Day: Doubting Thomas

A doubting Thomas is a person who does not believe something or is skeptical about it.

For example, when I heard that Google was going to make a self-driving car, I didn’t believe they could do it.

So, why is it doubting Thomas and not George, Matthew or Alexa?

Today’s term has its origins in the Christian bible. After Jesus was killed and rose from the dead three days later, Thomas, one of his followers, refused to believe it until he saw Christ with his own eyes.


Here is another example of how to use today’s term.


A: George is going to open his own online business.

B: George? Really? It will never work!

A: Come on now, don’t be such a doubting Thomas. You should wait and see what happens first.

B: Yeah, I guess you’re right. Sometimes I am just so skeptical of new things. Maybe I should change my name to doubting Thomas.


