
If you dabble in something, you are interested in it but not seriously. You can dabble in painting or drawing as a hobby, for example.

Word of the Day: Dabble

If you dabble in something, you are interested in it but not seriously.

You can be interested in painting as a hobby, for example, but never become the next Picasso.

You like painting but are not very serious about selling your works or perfecting your skills, for example.

Sometimes people who are very good at something are too shy to admit it.

They may be very good at writing or gardening, but they say that they only dabble in writing or gardening to downplay how good they are at it.

Anyway, I believe that it is good to dabble in many things. It’s a way to learn a little about a lot of stuff, and it is easier to discover what you like, what you have a talent for, and what you should never do.

By the way, how do you like my picture? Not bad, huh?



