
Birdsong is the beautiful sound of singing birds.Many people enjoy birdsong in the morning. Birds always seem to be so happy in the morning.

Word of the Day: Birdsong

This one is relatively straightforward. Birdsong is the beautiful sound of singing birds.

Many people enjoy birdsong in the morning.  Sometimes there are many birds, and other times there may be just one bird alone.

In my case there is one bird, a tiny bird, who sits on the tree outside my window at 4:15 am and sings his heart out.

God, I hate that bird. Yes, I’m an early riser, and yes, I enjoy natural sounds as much as the next man, but 4:00 am is a little early.

Oh well, I’ll have to take the good with the bad, I suppose.

Either way, if the calling of the bird(s) is beautiful, it is birdsong.


