Too much of a good thing

Too much of a good thing means you enjoy a positive thing so much that it becomes a negative thing. Too many doughnuts will make you sick.
They say you are what you eat. Yes, doughnuts are sweet, but they’re also round.

English Expression: Too much of a good thing

It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. You can have too much of a good thing.

This expression means you enjoy a positive thing so much that it becomes a negative thing. Too many doughnuts will make you sick.

A novel thing, something that you enjoy and look forward to, can become boring and unpleasant if you enjoy it too much.

Let’s take doughnuts as an example.

Most people enjoy a donut or two once in a while, but what happens if you enjoy too many donuts?

If you start to enjoy too many donuts, you start to look like this guy right here.

He’s a textbook example of why you should enjoy everything in moderation.

Believe me, you don’t want to look like this guy.

Too many donuts are bad for your health (not to mention your figure); thus, too much of a good thing.


