(The) look

The look has to do with style or fashion, or a certain feeling or quality. Some people have a dangerous look; some have an innocent one. 
Stylish, yet casual. Yep, he’s got it.

Word of the Day: The look

When I thought about how to explain the look I immediately thought of the song She’s Got The Look by Roxette.

I remember walking to school back in the day and listening to the song on my Sony Walkman.

I had a yellow Sports Walkman. Does that bring back memories?

Anyway, the look has to do with style or fashion, but it can be more than that.

Some people have a dangerous look; some have an innocent look.

Regarding fashion, the look changes each year, but don’t worry. Fashion is like history – if you wait long enough, it will repeat itself.

Regarding a dangerous look, some people have a look about them that makes you want to cross the street when they come near.

It doesn’t mean they’re dangerous, they could be the sweetest person in the world, but there is something about them that gives them the look of being hazardous to your health.


