The devil is in the detail

The devil is in the detail means in a larger project, it is usually the smaller things that cause problems.
Yep, beware of this little troublemaker.

English Saying: The devil is in the detail

In a larger project, it is usually the smaller things that cause problems. That’s right; the devil is in the detail.

Think about it this way; you have written a document in English concerning a significant scientific discovery that you have just made.

This discovery will be of great benefit to humankind.

Your essay is full of grammatical mistakes, and you cannot get it published.

Even though you have conducted years of research, made your discovery and written your document, you cannot get it published because of grammar mistakes: the devil is in the detail.

Or we could take this example.

Online privacy is the catchphrase of the day.

Under the European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) any website which will be visited by Europeans must inform them if their data will be used and enable a way for them to opt into online tracking.

There must also be a link explaining how their data will be used by the site.

Most people just click OK and enter a website. Very few visitors, if any click through and read the fine print. The fine print though is where all the details are.

As we’ve already established above, the devil is in the detail.

Often when we click OK we are giving access to much more information than we thought we were.

The funny thing is that everyone will tell you to read the details, but it’s often a case of do as I say, not as I do.


