
Temptation is all around us everywhere we look. It's the urge to do things that we know we should not do.
Use the force, Luke or eat them and hide the wrappers.

Word of the Day: Temptation

Temptation is all around us everywhere we look. It’s the urge to do things that we know we should not do.

Are you on a diet? It’s hard not to eat chocolate cake or snacks, right? It seems that everyone around you is offering you something sweet to eat. You want to eat it, but you know you shouldn’t – that’s temptation.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your opinion, the holidays are just around the corner and the holidays are the time when temptation is the strongest.

Food, sweets and alcohol are everywhere in abundance at this time of year.

With so much temptation, it is hard to stick to a diet.

I would say that you have to resist, but it’s the holidays – what the heck you can get away with it for a little while– eat it now and diet after New Years!


