
A teetotaler likes to live life at a slower pace. (Maybe)

Word of the Day: Teetotaler

What kind of a person are you? Are you a teetotaler who enjoys a good cup of tea while sitting near the window and reading a good book?

Or are you the type of person who enjoys a stick-to-your-ribs steak with a nice dark beer?

Perhaps you can be either type depending on the time of day.

Fair enough, but maybe you are the type of person who would never touch an alcoholic beverage. It’s just not something that you are into.

Teetotalers are people who don’t drink alcohol themselves or are against anyone drinking alcohol at all.

Although I have recently stopped drinking coffee and have gone back to drinking tea again, I enjoy a beer, mind you, I said ‘a beer,’ as well as the next man.

After a long day at the computer, a beer is just what the doctor ordered, although if you ask her, she will never admit it.


