Tech bro

A tech bro is a technology geek who works in Silicon Valley's tech industry. Stereotypically they have high salaries.
There are a lot of technology workers, and not everyone is the same. It takes all kinds as they say.

Word of the Day: Tech bro/techbro

Silicon Valley is full of tech bros who are, of course, geeks who work in the Internet technology industry.

Stereotypically they don’t have much luck with the ladies or spend so much time with technology that they don’t have time for the ladies anyway.

Naturally, tech bro is a slang term. The cool thing is that these guys in Silicon Valley are usually making large sums of money (compared to the rest of us) and don’t get away from their computer long enough to spend it.

Maybe that’s why rent is so expensive in San Francisco, Palo Alto and other areas – the tech bros need to spend their money on something. (I’m joking!)


