Tag: young at heart

  • Youth is wasted on the young

    Youth is wasted on the young

    Saying: Youth is wasted on the young A saying in English goes youth is wasted on the young. At first, you may think that sounds strange. I mean, youth and young are interdependent, right? If you are a youth, you are young; if you are young, you must be a youth. So, how can a…

  • Age gracefully

    Age gracefully

    Phrase: Age gracefully Ageing is inevitable, but you are the one who gets to decide how you are going to age. You can refuse to accept that things will change and kick and scream as the years roll by, or you can choose to age gracefully. The first step is recognizing it is essential to…

  • Young at heart

    Young at heart

    Phrase: Young at heart Have you ever noticed how the happiest people are the ones who maintain a positive attitude and remain young at heart? These people somehow seem to be able to hang on to part of their childhood, whereas, for many people, their attitudes deteriorate as they age. Not only their hair greys,…

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