Tag: Where there’s smoke there’s fire

  • Where there’s smoke, there’s fire

    Where there’s smoke, there’s fire

    English Proverb: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire Every rumour is based on some truth, or where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Rumours don’t usually come out of thin air. Often, there is a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation of something that leads to a rumour. The rumour may be untrue, but it’s often based on some truth.…

  • Raise a red flag

    Raise a red flag

    English Phrase: Raise a red flag The term raise a red flag means you should be alert when something indicates danger or a potentially hazardous situation. If you are on a hike and notice an alligator, a crocodile or something that even resembles an alligator or crocodile, that should make you more alert and on…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson