Tag: watch your tongue
Watch your tongue
Idiom: Watch your tongue What I want to do today is introduce the English idiom watch your tongue, which is similar to the idea of speak no evil. Most of my readers will know the three monkeys or the three wise monkeys and their proverb, ‘hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil.’ In English-speaking…
Freak of nature
English Phrase: Freak of nature You may hear people call defects freaks of nature. You have to watch your tongue when using this idiom because it has negative and positive connotations. Things like oddly shaped fruits or vegetables and sometimes cruelly, people who are unique in some way, will be bullied and called freaks of…
Word of the Day: F-bomb F-bomb is a euphemism for the four-letter-word fu**. Sometimes, people will use fu** or swear in an inappropriate situation. Perhaps they’re at their grandmother’s birthday party or a business dinner, and the word slips out. In cases such as that, we can say that they dropped the f-bomb. Whenever fu**…
Nip in the bud
English Idiom: Nip (something) in the bud If we nip a problem in the bud, we stop it before it becomes a big problem or gets out of hand. This practice comes from removing flowers while they are still buds and have not bloomed. Just recently, another Japanese government minister uttered something that should not…