Tag: variety is the spice of life

  • Spice things up

    Spice things up

    Phrase: Spice things up You must have noticed that from time to time, life has become a little boring. On days when you feel you’re just another rodent in the rat race or staying in bed really wouldn’t change much, you realize you have to spice things up. To spice things up is to add…

  • On the go

    On the go

    Phrase: On the go Here’s a phrase for all busy people out there and not-so-busy people too – on the go. Life seems to speed up the older we become. Don’t worry too much; it’s not just you. I would say most people are always on the go, either busy with work, running errands here…

  • Leaps and bounds

    Leaps and bounds

    Phrase: Leaps and bounds About this time two years ago, the coronavirus, which has been the bane of our lives for two years, first began to raise its head. Some news stories mentioned a strange disease in Wuhan, China, but nobody was paying attention. When China first officially announced it on December 31, 2019, little…

  • Cast your net wide

    Cast your net wide

    Idiom: Cast your net wide One of my favourite expressions is variety is the spice of life. That’s why I believe you have to cast your net wide if you want to get the best out of life. There was a time not too long ago when we all worked for money and what money…

  • Branch out

    Branch out

    WotD: Branch out The secret to many businesses’ success is that they specialize in a particular product or service and have found a niche for it. What do they do if that niche is no longer profitable or not as lucrative as they would like it to be? They branch out or begin to do…

  • Sport


    Word of the Day: Sport Never trust an English teacher when they tell you a word is easy. Myself excluded, naturally. Let’s look at the word sport. If you’ve already read the image copy, you’re probably surprised that “She likes to sport a nice hat in summer” because you didn’t know sport could be a…

  • Variety is the spice of life

    Variety is the spice of life

    Proverb: Variety is the spice of life What do you do when your steak is a little tough and bland? You put a little pepper on it. What do you do when life is a bit tough and humdrum? You add a little variety to it. Why? Because variety is the spice of life, my friend. Variety…

  • There’s no accounting for taste

    There’s no accounting for taste

    Proverb: There’s no accounting for taste It’s been said that variety is the spice of life. I’m glad someone said it because when I look at some of the fashion or designs around me, I can’t help but think there’s no accounting for taste. I come from a monocultural island in the Atlantic Ocean. When I was…

  • Put all of your eggs in one basket

    Put all of your eggs in one basket

    Proverb: Put all of your eggs in one basket Variety is the spice of life, as they say, and it’s also a good reason not to put all of your eggs in one basket. Imagine you’re a little girl living on a small family farm in rural Japan. Your mother wants to make tamagoyaki for lunch,…

  • Mantra


    Word of the Day: Mantra A mantra, like the one written on the blackboard, is a phrase or single word that expresses a person’s strong beliefs. People usually repeat these little phrases often to reinforce their beliefs and inspire themselves. Enjoying the little things in life is one that I try to follow. Of course,…