Tag: ulterior motive

  • Epiphany


    Word of the Day: Epiphany Have you had your epiphany yet? The leaders of the Western world have. Germany especially, has learned that you may get burned if you play with fire. Mix that with natural gas, and you might have a fireball of destruction on your hands. An epiphany is a sudden realization of…

  • Take at face value

    Take at face value

    Phrase: Take (something) at face value With the Social media and fake news environment we live in today, it’s tough for us to take things at face value. When we take something at face value, we accept it as it is, are not skeptical about it and don’t look for an ulterior motive. As I…

  • Ulterior motive

    Ulterior motive

    WotD: Ulterior motive An ulterior motive is a secret or not-so-obvious reason for doing something. Some people may try to curry favour with their boss, not because they like their boss, but because they want the next promotion to marketing manager; they have another reason which is in their best interests. Being suspicious is not a good thing, but…

  • Curry favour

    Curry favour

    Word of the Day: Curry favour If you try to curry favour, you praise your boss or someone else in authority in an insincere manner. In slang terms, we’d say it’s a nice way to say kiss ass. You are insincere because you have an ulterior motive. That ulterior motive could be a desire to…

  • Have an axe to grind

    Have an axe to grind

    English Idiom: Have an axe to grind If someone has an axe to grind, they have a private and maybe selfish opinion about something. This opinion is the reason why they take a particular action. It’s quite similar to having an ulterior motive in some ways. This idiom is not usually used in a positive…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson