Tag: two cents’ worth

  • Bottom line

    Bottom line

    WotD: Bottom line If you’re keen to improve your English, you’ve already read my post from yesterday about advice falling on deaf ears. Therefore, it won’t be too much of a stretch for you to understand that when we give advice or make a suggestion, we often try to get to the bottom line. What is the bottom…

  • Gravy train

    Gravy train

    WotD: Gravy train All aboard! All aboooooooard! Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the gravy train. Keep in mind this is the gravy train – not a crazy train. Yep, by getting on this train, you are on your way to making easy money. I mean, by the time you get off, you will be Mr. or Mrs. Moneybags. So, what the…

  • Two cents’ worth

    Two cents’ worth

    Phrase: Two cents’ worth From time to time, in conversations, I, in my role as a teacher, intentionally say things that entice students to contribute their two cents’ worth (or more) to the discussion. It’s called playing devil’s advocate. A good conversation teacher knows how to create a desire in their students to say something. Japanese students…

  • Cure-all


    Word of the Day: Cure-all First of all, let me say that there is no such thing as a cure-all. Why? Well, it’s something that will solve any problem or cure any sickness. There is nothing on this earth that will answer all of our questions. In other words, cure-alls don’t exist. Look at the ongoing…