Tag: time will tell
Time will tell
Phrase: Time will tell From conception, nobody on earth has any idea what the future has in store for anyone. Only time will tell. The strange thing about humans and our understanding of our humanity is that we all know we cannot peer into the future. Predicting the future is like standing next to the railing…
There’s no such thing as bad publicity
Proverb: There’s no such thing as bad publicity Proverbs are supposed to be based on the wisdom of our ancestors. Whether there’s no such thing as bad publicity is wisdom or not; I’ll leave it up to you to decide. In a nutshell, it means it’s better to be known for the wrong reasons than not be…
Word of the Day: Cliché Every cloud has a silver lining is a cliché. A cliché is a phrase or expression used so often that it is no longer unique or special. If an idiom or expression is used too much in society, it stops being effective. When it’s used, people roll their eyes and…