Tag: three sheets to the wind

  • Do as I say, not as I do

    Do as I say, not as I do

    Proverb: Do as I say, not as I do Much of the advice you have received, will receive, or have given in your life probably falls under the category of do as I say, not as I do. I remember being out in the barn on a stormy winter’s night with my father and a…

  • Close call

    Close call

    WotD: Close call Have you ever been in a dangerous situation or had a close call and didn’t realize it until later that night when you were relaxing at home? Before I tell you about it, let me explain the meaning of today’s word. A close call or a close shave is when something dangerous…

  • Three sheets to the wind

    Three sheets to the wind

    Idiom: Three sheets to the wind When you attempt to drown your sorrows in a bottle, you usually end up three sheets to the wind. OK, this one will need to be explained. First off, it comes from sailing ships. Next, you need to understand that sails must be kept tight, especially during a storm. If…

  • Perilous


    Word of the Day: Perilous Dangerous is a word that we use to describe many activities. When something is extremely dangerous – so risky that you could lose your life or be severely injured – you could say that it is perilous. Crossing a street in Osaka or driving on Manilla streets can be hazardous.…

  • Drown your sorrows

    Drown your sorrows

    English Idiom: Drown your sorrows People have problems.  Some people can healthily handle these issues, while others feel they have to drown their sorrows. You see, when people take this course of action, it means that they drink a lot of alcohol to help them forget their problems. In other words, they try to find…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson