Tag: the world is your oyster

  • Raring to go

    Raring to go

    Phrase: Raring to go Ready and raring to go after ringing in the New Year? I am excited to start fresh and make this year better than the last. When you are raring to go, you are ready, eager and excited to begin doing something. That should be a piece of cake because 2023 was…

  • Foot in the door

    Foot in the door

    Phrase: Foot in the Door Success, what is it all about? Well, if I could tell you that, then I’d probably be writing this post from my private jet 30,000 feet in the air flying somewhere warm for vacation. As I’m sitting at a computer in a small, tatami-floored home office in the depths of…

  • Rain on your parade

    Rain on your parade

    Idiom: Rain on your parade There’s an old understanding in English that everyone loves a parade. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely true. There’s always someone or something that’s going to rain on your parade. That means that there’s always going to be something that can spoil your plans.  People who enjoy raining on your parade are often…

  • The world is your oyster

    The world is your oyster

    Idiom: The World is your Oyster Each day is a new dawn, and the world is your oyster. Every day we wake up, we get a new lease on life and should face the world with a positive attitude. That’s what I tell myself every morning. We have to be positive in this life; otherwise,…

  • Learn from your mistakes

    Learn from your mistakes

    Learn from your mistakes; don’t let your mistakes stop you from learning. You know I have been an English language teacher for around 18 years. I have taught in Canada, New Zealand and Japan. I have taught all kinds of people, from unborn children (yes, unborn) to 90-year-old Japanese ladies, from under-educated immigrants in Canada…