Tag: the way it goes

  • Up your game

    Up your game

    Phrase: Up your game You live in a dog-eat-dog world that forces you to up your game daily. There’s no doubt about it. Just when you are bringing your A-game and finally getting ahead of the game, it all starts to fall apart right in front of your eyes. You are doing your best, giving…

  • Fall on deaf ears

    Fall on deaf ears

    Idiom: Fall on deaf ears Have you ever suggested someone only to have it fall on deaf ears? You can get a lot of satisfaction from a situation like this when you say I told you so in the end. Of course, if you’re reading my blog, you are not a smug or evil person. Therefore, you would…

  • Baptism by fire

    Baptism by fire

    Idiom: Baptism by fire It’s nice to ease into something new, but sometimes, we must undergo baptism by fire. Baptism is often used in a religious sense to mean being initiated into a certain belief and becoming a follower of that religion. It’s not, however, the only meaning. Most English words differ depending on the context of…

  • Mooch off

    Mooch off

    WotD: Mooch off (of) (someone)  So, do you like the little koala in today’s picture? I bet you would never think he’s the kind of guy who’d mooch off of you. He’s cute, isn’t he? Just hanging around in a tree all day, waiting for someone to hand him some eucalyptus leaves to munch on. What a life, right?…

  • The way it goes

    The way it goes

    Idiom: (Just) the way it goes In life, bad things happen; that’s just the way it goes. I know these words may not be words of encouragement, but they are the truth. Call it fate. Call it destiny. You can call it whatever you want but understand that it’s how things work out. When things don’t…

  • Give (someone) the flick

    Give (someone) the flick

    English Phrase: Give someone the flick Have you ever had to give someone the flick? Now, before you ask what ‘the flick’ is, let me explain. It means to reject them.  If you have ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend break up with you, you have felt rejected. To be more precise, it means to reject…

  • Aptitude


    Word of the Day: Aptitude An aptitude is a natural skill or ability with which someone is born. Most language students work very hard to improve their skills in the language which they are studying. However, sometimes, a student seems to learn super quickly. Some people are naturally good at math, others are good at baseball, and…

There's a fight to protect endangered species against Wildlife Trafficking.   Book Wildlife Trafficking discussion lesson