Tag: the more the merrier

  • All your Christmases have come at once

    All your Christmases have come at once

    Phrase: All your Christmases have come at once It’s cold outside, and as I write this, we have a little bit of hail on the ground. Let’s take a short trip to the land down under, shall we? You probably know I spent a few years Downunder, and let me tell you, nothing puts a…

  • The more the merrier

    The more the merrier

    Phrase: The more, the merrier Today we have an expression that is especially common around the Holidays, but its use is not limited to December. I suppose it’s more commonly used around this time of year because the word merry is so closely associated with Christmas. We say Merry Christmas to everyone we meet as…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson