Tag: the lion’s share
Word of the Day: Offshore We’ve been on a hell of a ride since early 2020, haven’t we? I think we’ve not only realized the danger of offshoring essential items but become victims of it. In the name of globalization, the West has offshored the lion’s share of the production of important items. When something…
Raise an eyebrow
Phrase: Raise an eyebrow Japanese people are known for their stoicism. After Typhoon 15 on September 8-9, 2019, thousands of Japanese didn’t raise an eyebrow when they had to line up for hours to get a train to work. The fact that they lined up at all caused me to raise both my eyebrows in…
Word of the Day: Airtime If you listen to radio programs or watch television for any length of time, you’ll quickly realize that the topics with the most airtime change frequently. Recently, in Japan, the Moritomogakuen scandal was getting vast amounts of airtime, and even now, it’s still mentioned in the news from time to…
The lion’s share
Phrase: The lion’s share The lion’s share means the most substantial part or portion of something. If you consider a lion for a moment, this phrase makes perfect sense. A lion does whatever the heck it wants to do, and if a lion wants to eat most of something, then a lion eats the lion’s…
Word of the Day: Penchant If you like something very much, you probably have a penchant for it. I have a penchant for two things: chocolate and long walks. I suppose I’m lucky because long walks help me burn off the calories I gain from eating chocolate. If you like something very much, you probably…