Tag: the clothes make the man

  • Well-heeled


    WotD: Well-heeled Have you ever purchased a handmade pair of shoes? I haven’t, but if you have, then you can genuinely say you are well-heeled. Our word for today doesn’t refer to the quality of your shoes but the quantity of money in your bank account. When we describe someone as being well-heeled, we mean…

  • The clothes make the man

    The clothes make the man

    Proverb: The clothes make the man ZZ Top said it best with the line ‘every girl’s crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man’ in their song titled Sharp Dressed Man. In Japan, it’s definitely true. I’ve found that here, more so than in Canada, people tend to judge you immediately by your clothes. The clothes make…

  • Wallflower


    Word of the Day: Wallflower There’s a common theme in American summer romance movies in which an outgoing male character who is a bit of a ladies’ man falls in love with the local wallflower eventually, and they live happily ever after. No, I’m not talking about a guy who becomes a wallpaper hanger. A…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson