Tag: take its toll

  • To the gills

    To the gills

    Phrase: To the gills Considering that Japan is an island and seafood plays a central part in Japanese cuisine, to the gills is a phrase all Japanese should at least be familiar with, even if they don’t use it often. First, you need to know that gills are the organs fish have on either side…

  • At the end of your rope

    At the end of your rope

    Idiom: Be at the end of your rope All around the world, people are at the end of their ropes. Lockdowns, remote work, and not being as free as we once were have taken their toll on us. When you are at the end of your rope, you are so stressed with a situation that…

  • Take its toll

    Take its toll

    Phrase: Take its toll If you look at the news, you’ll quickly see that the lockdown is taking its toll. People are starting to come apart at the seams. When something takes its toll, it causes you some harm or causes you to suffer in some way. I’ve been working from home for a little…