Tag: take in stride

  • Patience is a virtue

    Patience is a virtue

    Saying: Patience is a virtue On March 11, 2020, slightly more than six months ago, the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Many things have changed since then, and many things that were planned to happen never happened. What better time to learn the meaning of the expression patience is a virtue than the present? So,…

  • Take in Stride

    Take in Stride

    Phrase: Take (something) in stride Some people are born with the ability to take difficulties in stride. No matter what happens to them, they remain calm and deal with it without becoming flustered or upset; you can easily adapt to changes. Others, like myself, for instance, learn to take things in stride only after years…

  • Humble pie

    Humble pie

    WotD: Humble pie For starters, humble pie doesn’t taste very good at all. It has kind of a grainy texture, and not only does it taste bad, but it also makes you feel bad. After eating it, you get a bellyache, and on the way out, well, I’ll say that it’s not a pretty picture.…