Tag: take for granted

  • The naked eye

    The naked eye

    Phrase: The naked eye Let’s get naked! Don’t panic! That’s not going to happen. This is, for the most part, a family-friendly website. We see many things with the naked eye; some things we cannot see, and some things should never be seen. So, keep your clothes on. Today, boys and girls, while fully clothed,…

  • In a heartbeat

    In a heartbeat

    Phrase: In a heartbeat It can take a lifetime to build something up, and then just like that, it’s gone in a heartbeat. How many people in Japan have had their homes destroyed by earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding or landslides? The number must be in the tens of thousands, if not the hundreds of thousands. One…

  • Have your wits about you

    Have your wits about you

    Phrase: Have your wits about you Japan is well-known for being a safe country. It is one of the reasons young Japanese do not have their wits about them when travelling overseas. Foreigners often remark that at Starbucks (in Japan), the Japanese will often place their bags on a chair to save it while they…

  • Hard done by

    Hard done by

    Idiom: Hard done by Probably many of us are feeling hard done by at the moment. With all of the travel limitations, cancelled plans and staying at home, it’s only natural to think that we’ve been mistreated. In the West, we’ve learned to love our freedom. Here we haven’t experienced any real hardship on a…

  • Part of the furniture

    Part of the furniture

    English Idiom: Part of the furniture One of the great things about working at the same company for a long time is stability. At the same time, though, one drawback is that you become part of the furniture. What I mean is that once you’ve been somewhere so long, it seems permanent, and you become…

  • Take for Granted

    Take for Granted

    Phrase: Take for Granted Never take electricity for granted. At the beginning of September this year, the Kansai region of Japan suffered a direct hit from the 21st typhoon of the year, Typhoon Jebi. It was the most powerful typhoon to hit the archipelago in 25 years, and it caused havoc. Coming from eastern Canada, it…

  • Key to success

    Key to success

    Idiom: Key to success Everyone desires to discover the key to success. We treat it as if it is some well-kept secret. Fortunately, there is no real secret key to success. It’s a matter of effort directed in the correct direction and focused on the appropriate issues. There is nothing mystical about becoming successful, and it’s not…

  • Add insult to injury

    Add insult to injury

    Expression: Add insult to injury I was having difficulty coming up with an example to explain the phrase add insult to injury, but Japan gave me a perfect example. What should have been a happy day turned out to be quite the opposite. The Japanese national soccer team, Samurai Blue, could only add insult to injury by playing…

  • Play into (one’s) hands

    Play into (one’s) hands

    Phrase: Play into your hands Unfortunately, when we take security for granted, we play into someone’s hands, especially those of the hackers who want to attack us. Our world is increasingly becoming digital, and taking digital security for granted is widespread. When you play into someone’s hands, you unintentionally give them the advantage. Change your passwords don’t…

  • One-trick pony

    One-trick pony

      Word of the Day: One-trick pony A one-trick pony is a person or company that can only do one thing. Now, this one thing could be a specialty, and as long as that specialty is needed, then being a one-trick pony is not a bad thing. Things change, however, when the specialty or the…

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