Tag: snap

  • Snap


    Word of the Day: Snap Have you ever witnessed someone snap? It’s a term used to describe when someone suddenly loses control of their emotions and actions, often resulting in outbursts that can harm themselves or others. Unfortunately, this can happen in many different situations, including the workplace, relationships, and times of extreme stress, like…

  • Over the edge

    Over the edge

    Phrase: Over the edge Have you ever been pushed over the edge? I’m sure you’ve been pushed to the edge a few times, but that’s not what I asked. The term over the edge is used to describe someone who has lost control or reached their breaking point due to stress. Now this can result…

  • Stretched too thin

    Stretched too thin

    Phrase: Stretched too thin We’ve all been there. I have, and you have, too. We’ve felt like we’ve been stretched too thin, and soon something will snap. As Bilbo Baggins once said, “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” Now, I can forgive you if you think he was complaining…

  • The last straw

    The last straw

    Idiom: The last straw Most of us are patient, and we can handle a lot of disappointment or pressure. However, there comes a time when just one more thing—one more bad experience, one more late train, one more night of working overtime, one more cold coffee, or one more ignorant comment from a coworker—makes us…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson