Tag: slogan

  • Cooking with Gas

    Cooking with Gas

    Idiom: Cooking with gas You either cook with natural gas or have an electric induction heating (IH) stove if you live in Japan. These days, if someone says you’re cooking with gas, they are not referring to how supper will be prepared this evening. The phrase is used to mean you are making excellent progress…

  • Get the ball rolling

    Get the ball rolling

    Idiom: Get the ball rolling Hey there, everyone. Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Here in Japan, it’s common to say you had a ‘sleeping New Year.’ It means all you did during the New Year’s holidays was eat, sleep and drink. That’s what I did, and I loved…

  • Political football

    Political football

    WotD: Political football  What the heck is a political football? Remember when former American president Obama’s campaign slogan was ‘Change we can believe in’? I can. The Americans placed a lot of faith and hope in Obama to bring about that change. Everybody wants to talk about it, but when it comes to doing something, they…

  • What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas

    What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas

    Expression: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas You’ve most likely heard the expression ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ before, but do you know anything about it? Where did it come from, for example? Well, let me fill you in a little bit. Everyone knows that Las Vegas is a place that has many casinos.…

  • Saying


    Word of the Day: Saying In the English language, we have proverbs, idioms, expressions, quotes, puns, slogans, mottos, clichés, adages, sayings and quips. There are still more. These are all used to name little expressions that English speakers commonly use. Often, these are very difficult for English language students to understand, and usually, it is…

  • Slogan


    Word of the Day: Slogan A slogan is a phrase that is easy to remember and helps a company or person attract attention to themselves. These days, in the United States, because of the presidential elections, many slogans are used by the different candidates. For example, Hillary Clinton’s is ‘Love Trumps Hate’ (which is also…

  • Of two Minds

    Of two Minds

    English Idiom: (To be) of two minds Right now, the United States of America is going through a fascinating election. Many Americans know who they want to be the next President, but many other Americans are of two minds about it. To be of two minds means to be undecided about something. Let me give you…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson