Tag: shed light on

  • Within earshot

    Within earshot

    WotD: Within earshot Now, you might be thinking that the term within earshot has something to do with shooting, but I’m here to tell you that there is no shooting involved.  Unless, of course, you’re an American. We all know that Americans love to bring guns to Walmart, universities, and perhaps even weddings, but that’s a different story. Rest…

  • Shed light on

    Shed light on

    Phrase: Shed light on As we go about our daily lives, we often overlook the political and financial issues that may impact our future. We must stay up to date with current events to shed light on these issues and be aware of their potential consequences. When you shed light on something, you give more…

  • There’s no such thing as bad publicity

    There’s no such thing as bad publicity

    Proverb: There’s no such thing as bad publicity Proverbs are supposed to be based on the wisdom of our ancestors. Whether there’s no such thing as bad publicity is wisdom or not; I’ll leave it up to you to decide.  In a nutshell, it means it’s better to be known for the wrong reasons than not be…

  • Demeanour 


    Word of the Day: Demeanour  In an American presidential debate, the demeanour of the candidates is observed. Your demeanour is the way you look and behave, such as how often you smile, frown, look frustrated, or feel confident. Political analysts, with their keen eye and expertise, dissect the candidates’ every smile, frown, and expression of…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson