Tag: second-guess

  • Call the shots

    Call the shots

    Phrase: Call the shots Whether you call them the top brass, boss, or head honcho, every organization needs a leader, someone to call the shots. Being a leader is perhaps one of the hardest things in the world because no matter what you do, someone will second-guess it. The sad thing is that the ones…

  • Pause for thought

    Pause for thought

    Phrase: Pause for thought For the lucky among us, often there is a pause for thought before we send an angry email. It’s the moment when we briefly consider if we really should press send or not. Then those of us with foresight have set the Undo Send feature on our Gmail accounts to 30…

  • Take at face value

    Take at face value

    Phrase: Take (something) at face value With the Social media and fake news environment we live in today, it’s tough for us to take things at face value. When we take something at face value, we accept it as it is, are not skeptical about it and don’t look for an ulterior motive. As I…

  • Eat your words

    Eat your words

    Idiom: Eat your words People talk. Some don’t say much, a few speak a lot, and others say too much. Talking is OK if what you say is correct. When what you say is wrong, you will have to eat your words. A few guys will never admit when they are wrong, but a man…

  • The Benefit of the Doubt

    The Benefit of the Doubt

    Phrase: The benefit of the doubt There’s a constant struggle between giving people the benefit of the doubt and second-guessing them until they give you a reason to trust them. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt means to believe what they say or do is right or justified until you have a reason not…

  • Second-guess


    WotD: Second-guess There are two ways to look at the meaning of second-guessing. The first is to criticize someone after the fact. What I mean is that after you have completed something, someone else tells you what you should have done or how they would have done it better. In other words, they’re second-guessing you. Don’t you…

  • One bad apple spoils the whole barrel

    One bad apple spoils the whole barrel

    Proverb: One bad apple spoils the whole barrel At a party, one bad apple spoils the whole barrel. Imagine that you’re having a little dinner party with some old friends. Everything is going great. The food is fantastic, and the conversation is engaging. Then you suddenly realize that one of your friends has had too many…

  • Qualm


    Word of the Day: Qualm Have you ever done something and then doubted yourself? Have you ever wondered if what you were doing was the wrong thing? If you have, you have had qualms about your actions. A qualm is the uncomfortable feeling of doubt you get when you second-guess yourself and wonder if what…

  • Cross the Rubicon

    Cross the Rubicon

    Idiom: Cross the Rubicon Cross the Rubicon is an expression that means once you do something, you cannot undo it. It refers to Julius Caesar returning to Italy and fording the Rubicon River with his army. It was illegal for a Roman general to bring his army into Rome at the time. Once Caesar had brought…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson