Tag: rhetorical question

  • Rhetorical question

    Rhetorical question

    WotD: Rhetorical question When someone asks you a question, they generally expect an answer. Failing to receive one can be seen as an insult and anger them. However, not all questions are asked to be answered. That’s where rhetorical questions come into play. A rhetorical question is asked to make a statement or trigger an…

  • Sucker for punishment

    Sucker for punishment

    Phrase: Sucker for punishment Have you ever known someone who was a sucker for punishment? You know what I mean. A sucker for punishment seems to be attracted to pain, suffering, difficulty, and everything else that makes life challenging and unpleasant. Under different circumstances, they may be called idiots or highly determined. The informal definition…

  • Take to the grave

    Take to the grave

    Idiom: Take to the grave Money is great, but you can’t take it with you. That’s why funerals are so expensive. A funeral is like a tip jar at an airport Starbucks. You dump all your spare change in it because you can’t use it where you’re going. That’s a little mortician humour for you.…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson