Tag: raise its head

  • Murphy’s Law

    Murphy’s Law

    Adage: Murphy’s Law Murphy’s Law is a popular adage that states, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” This principle suggests that if something has the potential for failure, it is likely to happen, particularly at the most inconvenient moment. The phrase originated in the 1940s and has since become a common way to…

  • Raise its head

    Raise its head

    Phrase: Raise its head From time to time, something will raise its head that we cannot ignore, no matter how much we would prefer to do otherwise. America has Trumpism, and Japan has economic stagnation. Both are severe problems that have been ignored for too long. When something raises its head, it becomes a problem…

  • Leaps and bounds

    Leaps and bounds

    Phrase: Leaps and bounds About this time two years ago, the coronavirus, which has been the bane of our lives for two years, first began to raise its head. Some news stories mentioned a strange disease in Wuhan, China, but nobody was paying attention. When China first officially announced it on December 31, 2019, little…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson