Tag: put your foot in it

  • Main squeeze

    Main squeeze

    Wednesday Email: Main squeeze Only yesterday, I read that over 30% of Japanese are lonely. Imagine that. I suppose they don’t have a main squeeze or a squeeze of any ranking, for that matter. Someone’s main squeeze is their main girlfriend, boyfriend, or lover. Of course, the implication is that a person, a man or…

  • Take the cake

    Take the cake

    Phrase: Take the cake Japan has had a plethora of PMs (Prime Ministers) while I’ve lived here, but Suga takes the cake. So, what do I mean by that? Of course, explaining the phrase is the point of this little post, and I hoped you would not know what it means. Take the cake is…

  • Put your foot in it

    Put your foot in it

    Idiom: Put your foot in it One of the first posts I ever wrote on my blog was we are all English students. Today’s phrase is an excellent example of the truth of that. For me, growing up as a white Canadian of Irish ancestry in Newfoundland, Canada, putting your foot in it means accidentally…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson