Tag: put in perspective

  • Put in perspective

    Put in perspective

    Phrase: Put in perspective In today’s fast-paced world, the news bombards us with a constant stream of information, often sensationalizing certain events and causing us to lose sight of the broader context. This is where the need to put things in perspective becomes crucial. As events unfold, especially ones with significant impact, it’s essential to…

  • Talk the talk

    Talk the talk

    Phrase: Talk the talk The world has become full of smooth talkers who can talk the talk but not walk the walk. Do you know what I mean? No, I suppose not. If you could speak English fluently, you would not be reading or listening to these posts, right? To talk the talk means to…

  • Famished


    Word of the Day: Famished Have you ever felt hungry? I suppose that is a stupid question, so let me put it in perspective. Have you ever been so hungry you could eat a horse, hooves and all? If you have, then you, my friend, have been famished. If you look up the word famished…

  • Fall into place

    Fall into place

    Phrase: Fall into place I don’t know if you remember a TV show named The A-Team from the 1980s. That show had a character called Hannibal, and during almost every show, there was a line that he said, “I love it when a plan comes together.” The meaning of the phrase fall into place is very similar…

  • Wax and wane

    Wax and wane

    WotD: Wax and wane  On almost any clear night, you can easily see a perfect example of wax and wane. Way above your head, you’ll see the moon. The moon is waxing or waning except when it’s full. If the moon is getting larger night after night, it is a waxing moon. If it’s getting smaller night after night, it’s…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson