Tag: put food on the table

  • Crux


    Word of the Day: Crux It’s Valentine’s Day! I’m no expert when it comes to affairs of the heart, but I do know that the key is to be open, honest, and trusting to the one you love. Do that, and ninety percent of the hard work is done. If you’re looking for some advice…

  • End user

    End user

    Word of the Day: End user People are not people anymore. We are consumers. After purchasing a product or service, we become end users. It’s no joke and no secret that the business–customer relationship is declining in our consumerist societies. I dislike that last term end user. If you don’t know what it is, it’s the person…

  • Work your fingers to the bone

    Work your fingers to the bone

    Idiom: Work your fingers to the bone  You work your fingers to the bone and then retire. Does that sound like the story of your life so far? There’s no shame in hard work. Most societies value hard work and honour it as an example for others to follow. Canada, the United States, Australia, Japan and China…

  • The rat race

    The rat race

    WotD: The rat race Well, hello to you. I’m glad you’ve taken some time to escape the rat race and spend a few peaceful moments reading my post. Even if you’re unaware of what the rat race means, I can tell you that you are in it. Oh yes, you are.  The rat race is the quest for power and…

  • Save your bacon

    Save your bacon

    Idiom: Save your bacon You can be the breadwinner for a family and put food on the table by bringing home the bacon, but did you know someone can save your bacon as well? Food plays an integral part in English idioms. Bacon plays a vital role in American food culture. You can take any dish, add bacon and cheese, and it…

  • A Living

    A Living

    Word of the Day: A Living It doesn’t matter what your job is. Whether you clean toilets or are an executive at one of the large, multinational banks, you still need to earn a living.  More clearly, a living is money you earn by working at your job. Whether you prefer cash in hand or digital remittances, you need to…

  • Put Food on the table

    Put Food on the table

    Phrase: Put food on the table Yesterday’s post was bring home the bacon. In that post, I said that ‘bring home the bacon’ means that a worker brings home their salary to the family. Today’s idiom put food on the table means the same thing. Every person who is employed is working to put food…

  • Breadwinner


    WotD: Breadwinner Breadwinner, a term used to describe a person who is the primary earner for their family, was traditionally associated with the male gender, as men were seen as the sole providers for their families. The term breadwinner comes from the idea that the person who brings home their salary and provides for the…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson