Come into play
Phrase: Come into play You’ll hear the phrase come into play in various situations, such as sports, business, social situations, and daily conversation. Simply put, to come into play means to become relevant or start impacting a situation. For instance, when discussing a game, many strategies might come into play as the rules change or…
Acronym of the Day: POTUS POTUS is an acronym for President of the United States. It’s an informal way to refer to the American President and is used by White House staff who talk about the President more often than regular people. It’s easier to refer to the President with this acronym than to say…
Nut job
Word of the Day: Nut job Today’s Word of the Day has been in the news recently. Apparently, according to the ‘fake’ news, President Trump told the Russians that the former director of the FBI, James Comey, was a ‘…real nut job…’ So, what does that mean? Well, first of all, calling someone a nut…