Tag: potty mouth

  • F-bomb


    Word of the Day: F-bomb F-bomb is a euphemism for the four-letter-word fu**. Sometimes, people will use fu** or swear in an inappropriate situation. Perhaps they’re at their grandmother’s birthday party or a business dinner, and the word slips out. In cases such as that, we can say that they dropped the f-bomb. Whenever fu**…

  • Potty mouth

    Potty mouth

      Word of the Day: Potty mouth If someone has a potty mouth, they use vulgar language or profanity. The language they use cannot be repeated or printed in a family-friendly publication. You probably know what I am talking about. I cannot print what they say here because ladies and gentlemen read my blog, and…

  • Gutter talk

    Gutter talk

    Word of the Day: Gutter talk Bad words such as the F-word and all other four-letter words can be called gutter talk. Bad words which are offensive or extremely rude are called gutter talk. Often, when people become angry or excited, they speak gutter talk. Individuals who use offensive words are described as having a…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson